As a business that holds personal data relating to you or your company, we are legally obliged to inform you of what data we hold for you and how we will/will not use it.

The information we store and use is to enable us to maintain a trade relationship with you.

Information about you we may hold

We hold Company information with in our secure database. This information includes:

  • Your personal details (on application from) (if become employed you will be required to complete our full GDPR form)
  • Company name
  • Company address (including deliver addresses if not your sites)
  • Company Contacts (Emails, Telephone, numbers of all relevant departments)
  • Other telephone numbers emails that are supplied to us to allow us to conduct business
  • VAT number and company numbers (certifications if required)
  • Bank account details

Information about you or your company is stored on our server and in filing cabinets located with in the office.

We do not transfer any of your data outside our company or outside the UK.

We use data relating to your business to facilitate trading with you and your company for general correspondence with your staff on a regular basis,

A Rhodes Haulage Ltd will never sell or pass your information on without your permission.

For and behalf of A Rhodes Haulage Ltd